Effective January 2021 Mackenzie Investments is replacing GLC Asset Management Group Ltd. and four of its investment management divisions: Portico, GWLIM, Laketon and London Capital as the manager of specific segregated funds. Not included in this change will be Mortgage (Portico), Long Term Bond (Portico) and Real Return Bond (Portico), which will now be managed by The Canada Life Assurance Company. In addition, Canada Life Investment Management Ltd. is replacing GLC Asset Management Group Ltd. as the manager of the funds currently managed by its PSG division. This means there will be some updates to our materials, and this will occur in due course.
As of January 1, 2020, The Great-West Life Assurance Company, London Life Insurance Company, and The Canada Life Assurance Company became one company – The Canada Life Assurance Company. As a result, all segregated fund policies and contracts that were with Great-West Life or London Life are now with Canada Life. All references in these documents to Great-West Life or London Life are to be understood as being references to Canada Life.
Segregated funds originally with Great-West Life
This page provides details for our segregated fund policies originally with Great-West Life, including information folders, fund facts, rates of return, contracts and financial statements.
Additional fund details are available on the Fund overview & performance website provided by Fundata Canada Inc.
You can also view details for Canada Life segregated funds, and funds originally with London Life.
Funds listed here are no longer available for new purchases. If you hold a fund listed here, you may be able to make further contributions.
2022 financial statements of The Canada Life Assurance Company Segregated Funds (formerly Great-West Life) are available upon request.
This is not available for group retirement and savings plans.