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By Canada Life | Jan. 27, 2023

On Jan. 26, Fundata FundGrade A+® Celebration of Excellence recognized several Canada Life™ investment funds. These awards acknowledged Canadian funds showing consistent exceptional results throughout 2022. 

The FundGrade A+® Award is a highly prized achievement in the Canadian investment funds industry. It’s given annually to investment funds and managers who show consistent, outstanding and risk-adjusted performance throughout the year. Only 6% of investment fund products in Canada received this recognition at the awards. 

Canada Life ranked second overall for the most FundGrade A+ Awards received out of the 62 firms that were recognized.1 This achievement shows the ongoing strength of our wealth shelf.  

The following Canada Life funds were recognized this year:

Fund Name
Mutual Fund
Segregated Fund
Canada Life Emerging Markets Equity Fund 2, 3
Canada Life Global Growth and Income Fund 4
Canada Life Precious Metals Fund 2,5
Mackenzie Moderate Income 2
Canadian Focused Value
Canadian All Cap Equity 2
Global Growth Opportunities
Canadian Bond
Global Small-Mid Cap Growth
International Growth
U.S. Mid Cap Growth
U.S. Value
2050 Profile
Canadian Fixed Income Balanced II 2
Canadian Focused Blended Equity
Canadian Growth Balanced II 2
Pathways International Concentrated Equity
Pathways U.S. Equity
Canadian Neutral Balanced
Fidelity Balanced 2
Fidelity Moderate Income 2
Fidelity True North®
American Growth
Canadian Premier Balanced
Canadian Small-Mid Cap
Canadian Value Balanced
Floating Rate Income
Mackenzie Balanced 2
Mackenzie Balanced Income 2

Congratulations to the investment teams that manage these distinguished funds. Reach out to your Canada Life wealth wholesaling team for more information about these award-winning mandates. 

Source: Advisor’s Edge Note that this fund on the Canada Life segregated fund shelf is currently closed to new investors. Canada Life Emerging Markets Equity Fund was recognized for outstanding fund performance at the 2022 Fundata FundGrade A+ Awards in the Emerging Markets Equity category out of a total of 158 funds. Performance for Series A of the fund for the period ended Dec. 31, 2022, is as follows: -15.05% (1 year), 1.47% (3 years), -0.51% (5 years), 3.52% (10 years) and 5.73% (since inception – Aug. 9, 2002). Canada Life Global Growth and Income Fund was recognized for outstanding fund performance at the 2022 Fundata FundGrade A+ Awards in the Global Neutral Balanced category out of a total of 950 funds. Performance for Series A of the fund for the period ended Dec. 31, 2022, is as follows: -8.94% (1 year), 1.96% (3 years), 2.66% (5 years), N/A% (10 years) and 2.98% (since inception – July 14, 2017). Canada Life Precious Metals Fund was recognized for outstanding fund performance at the 2022 Fundata FundGrade A+ Awards in the Precious Metals Equity category out of a total of 45 funds. Performance for Series A of the fund for the period ended Dec. 31, 2022, is as follows: -9.79% (1 year), 7.09% (3 years), 9.98% (5 years), N/A% (10 years) and 9.72% (since inception – July 11, 2013).

Some of the awarded funds are former Great-West Life or London Life funds; however, these mandates are on the Canada Life segregated fund shelf as well. As of Jan. 1, 2020, The Great-West Life Assurance Company, London Life Insurance Company, and The Canada Life Assurance Company became one company – The Canada Life Assurance Company. As a result, all segregated fund policies and contracts that were with Great‑West Life or London Life are now with Canada Life. FundGrade A+ is a registered trademark in Canada of Fundata Canada Inc.

Fundata Canada Inc. has been providing data aggregation and dissemination services to the Canadian media and financial marketplace since 1987. Fundata is a major provider in the distribution of fund and stock information in Canada.

FundGrade A+® is used with permission from Fundata Canada Inc., all rights reserved. The annual FundGrade A+® Awards are presented by Fundata Canada Inc. to recognize the “best of the best” among Canadian investment funds. The FundGrade A+® calculation is supplemental to the monthly FundGrade ratings and is calculated at the end of each calendar year. The FundGrade rating system evaluates funds based on their risk-adjusted performance, measured by Sharpe Ratio, Sortino Ratio, and Information Ratio. The score for each ratio is calculated individually, covering all time periods from 2 to 10 years. The scores are then weighted equally in calculating a monthly FundGrade. The top 10% of funds earn an A Grade; the next 20% of funds earn a B Grade; the next 40% of funds earn a C Grade; the next 20% of funds receive a D Grade; and the lowest 10% of funds receive an E Grade. To be eligible, a fund must have received a FundGrade rating every month in the previous year. The FundGrade A+® uses a GPA-style calculation, where each monthly FundGrade from “A” to “E” receives a score from 4 to 0, respectively. A fund’s average score for the year determines its GPA. Any fund with a GPA of 3.5 or greater is awarded a FundGrade A+® Award. For more information, see Although Fundata makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained herein, the accuracy is not guaranteed by Fundata.

Canada Life segregated funds are available through a segregated funds policy issued by The Canada Life Assurance Company. Canada Life mutual funds are managed by Canada Life Investment Management Ltd. Both products are offered exclusively through Quadrus Investment Services Ltd. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees, and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. The indicated rates of return are the historical annual compounded total returns including changes in unit value and reinvestment of all distributions and does not take into account sales, redemption, distribution, or optional charges or income taxes payable by any securityholder that would have reduced returns. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Any amount that is allocated to a segregated fund is invested at the risk of the policyowner and may increase or decrease in value. A description of the key features of Canada Life's individual variable insurance contract is contained in the information folder, available from your advisor.

Canada Life and design, Canada Life Investment Management and design, and other marks followed by the TM symbol at first time of use are trademarks of The Canada Life Assurance Company (“Canada Life”). Other marks displayed in this piece are trademarks of a third party, and used with permission or under license. Canada Life Investment Management Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Canada Life.