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The Great-West Life Assurance Company, London Life Insurance Company and The Canada Life Assurance Company have become one company – The Canada Life Assurance Company. Discover the new Canada Life

The Great-West Life Assurance Company, London Life Insurance Company and The Canada Life Assurance Company have become one company – The Canada Life Assurance Company. Discover the new Canada Life

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What is gender affirming care?

Key takeaways

  • Also known as transgender healthcare, gender affirming care is life-saving healthcare for transgender and gender-diverse people.
  • Gender affirming care covers a range of treatment, from physical care to mental health care and social services.
  • Gender affirming care can help improve quality of life for those who need it.
  • Some Canada Life workplace plans offer up to $20,000 coverage for gender affirming healthcare costs.

What is gender affirming care?

Gender affirming care is any combination of social, legal and medical measures to help people feel safe and comfortable in their gender and help improve their overall health and well-being.

It is not just a surgical procedure or a name change – gender affirmation is a journey that is different for everyone depending on their unique needs.

There are many individuals who may seek out gender affirming care, including those experiencing gender dysphoria, who are gender-diverse or who are transgender:

  • Transgender is a term used to describe someone whose gender identity is different from the sex they were assigned at birth. Cisgender refers to someone whose gender identity aligns with the sex they were assigned at birth.
  • Gender-diverse is an umbrella term for those whose gender identity is at odds with perceived gender norms and includes those who do not place themselves in the male/female binary. For some types of gender affirming care, a diagnosis of gender dysphoria from a clinical expert is needed.
  • Gender dysphoria describes feelings of distress or discomfort when a person’s gender identity is different from what may be physically and/or socially attributed to their sex assigned at birth.

Who needs gender affirming care?

Gender affirming care is for anyone who needs it.

Transgender and gender-diverse people may seek out different types of gender affirming care based on their needs throughout their gender affirmation journey.

What are the different types of gender affirming care?

In addition to social and legal elements — like changing your legal name and coming out to friends and family — gender affirmation can involve any combination of surgical and nonsurgical healthcare options.

Here are some examples:

  • Hormone blockers and hormone replacement therapy
  • Surgical options (including top and bottom procedures, facial surgeries, laser hair removal, vocal cord surgeries and more)
  • Therapy and counselling

Remember that everyone’s journey through gender affirmation is different and it’s not necessary for people receiving gender affirming care to “check off” every procedure from a list. Like any healthcare decision, the choice is a very personal one.

Why is it important?

Gender affirming care can help improve quality of life for those who need it.

According to Statistics Canada, 1 in 300 Canadians identify as transgender or nonbinaryOpens a new website in a new window.

In another recent studyOpens a new website in a new window, 93% of transgender people reported gender affirming care improved their overall well-being including quality of life, relationship satisfaction, self-esteem and confidence. And most importantly, everyone deserves to feel safe, comfortable and healthy in their body.

Do provinces and territories cover gender affirming care?

Yes – though available coverage, requirements and wait times differ across each province and territory. Access to gender affirming care is also impacted by whether a person lives in an urban or rural area.

Group benefits plans with gender affirmation coverage options can help with costs for treatments not covered by government plans. Some Canada Life workplace plans offer up to $20,000 coverage for gender affirming healthcare costs; if you’re a member of a workplace plan, you can sign into your online accountOpens a new website in a new window to check your coverage. 

What’s next?

  • Learn more about offering our gender affirmation coverage by speaking with your Canada Life representative.
  • When researching gender affirming care online, make sure you’re sourcing information from credible sources.

The information provided is accurate to the best of our knowledge as of the date of publication, but rules and interpretations may change.

This information is general in nature, and is intended for informational purposes only. For specific situations you should consult the appropriate legal, accounting or tax advisor.