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Setting up a home office on a budget

Key takeaways

  • There are lots of ways you can create a home office on a budget.
  • You should strive to make your home office comfortable and ergonomically sound.

Many people are now working from a home office at least part of the time. If you’re 1 of them, it’s important that your space is inviting, comfortable and ergonomically sound, so you can be productive. Here are a few ways to make your home office work for you.

Create a dedicated space

If you don’t have a spare room that can become a home office, try to create a dedicated work area. Carving out space that’s all yours, away from distractions, can help minimize interruptions and help you feel your most comfortable. If you can’t close a door, at the end of the day consider packing up your work equipment and materials to keep them out of sight when you transition to personal time. Or use a room divider of some kind (curtains, plants, etc.) to separate or hide or work area.

Check your ergonomic set-up

The right ergonomics will keep you healthier and more productive.

When it comes to purchasing a desk, be creative. You may be able to repurpose a small table you already have at home, or one you can purchase from a thrift store or buy and sell website.

If you’re able to get your hands on an ergonomic chair, you might feel it makes a big difference – a 2003 studyOpens a new website in a new window showed that individuals working in an ergonomic chair reported a 17.7% increase in productivity.

When you’re sitting, your back should be straight, your shoulders back, your feet flat and your knees at a 90° angle.

Make sure your computer and monitors are at the right height to help prevent short-term discomfort and long-term injury. Monitors should be about an arm’s length from your body and at eye level or slightly lower.

Colour and light

If you can choose the colours in your workspace, it’s important to know that colours can resonate with people differently. Find colours that provide what you need from your workspace: energy and vitality, or calm and refreshment.   

Making sure your workspace is lit properly can help it feel cozier and reduce excessive glare that can lead to eyestrain and headaches. Natural light has many benefits, from reducing energy bills to boosting both your mood and productivity levels. If that’s not possible, try looking for warm bulbs over florescent and aim to avoid direct glare. An adjustable desk lamp is a great choice if you have multiple screens or desk areas to work from.

Adding personal touches

Add finishing touches to really make your workspace somewhere you want to spend time in. It could be as little as adding a few photos, cushions or plants. You might even feel inspired to fully redecorate your chosen room or area. Whatever you choose, making your desk space a welcoming area can help you feel more comfortable working from home.

If you enjoy listening to music while working, and have been making do with laptop or phone speakers, now might be the time to pick up a Bluetooth speaker. Investing in a sound system won’t just improve the quality of your music – it might improve your productivity. A 2022 studyOpens a new website in a new window showed that individuals who listened to music while working completed their tasks did so quicker and to a higher level of quality than those who didn’t.

What's next?

Now that you understand more about how to set up a home office on a budget, check out more working from home resources on Workplace Strategies for Mental HealthOpens a new website in a new window.

This information is general in nature and is intended for informational purposes only. For specific situations you should consult the appropriate legal, accounting or tax advisor.

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