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The Great-West Life Assurance Company, London Life Insurance Company and The Canada Life Assurance Company have become one company – The Canada Life Assurance Company. Discover the new Canada Life

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March 2022 – 15 min read

Being offered a new opportunity in your career is an exciting prospect, and perhaps especially so if it involves moving somewhere new.

It might be that you’re exploring the idea of moving with your current company, or maybe you’re looking to take a leap of faith and accept a job somewhere new on your own. If you’re thinking about moving abroad for work, there’s even more to research and think about.

While there’s lots to consider when it comes to the job offer itself, there’s plenty more so when it comes to moving, including how relocating may impact your family, finances and well-being.

When evaluating your new job opportunity, it’s important to think about how moving could impact your career over the short- and long-term.

For example, you may want to consider the offer’s benefits, and how this relates to where you’ll live. Will you have access to any workplace benefits, such as vision, dental and drug coverage? What’s covered will vary depending on where you live in Canada, so you may find that benefits coverage is important to cover both routine and unexpected healthcare costs.

If your new offer doesn’t include benefits, you may want to think about purchasing some coverage instead. Some companies also offer insurance as part of their benefits package, so you may want to look into this or ask about the options available.

When considering relocation, there’s also the cost of moving to think about. If you’re moving within an organization, they may cover the costs and provide a relocation budget as part of the deal. If you’re moving to pursue a new opportunity completely, you may be responsible for covering these costs, which could amount to thousands of dollars depending on how far you’re moving.

While a great offer on paper may be exciting enough to make you want to consider relocating, it’s also important to think longer term. There are other factors that may impact your decision, such as:

Flexible working may be particularly important if you have children, as this could play a role in your options when it comes to childcare.  

If you have a family, 1 of the most important things to think about is how a move will impact your spouse and children. There are many things to discuss with your partner, such as:

The answers to these and other questions will help you to see if you’re on the same page about whether a relocation opportunity is a genuine option.

If you have children, thinking about how a move will impact their schooling, friendships and well-being will be important. The age of your children will play a factor, too. If your kids are small, it may be easier for them to make new friends and adapt to change. However, you may find moving away from family limits your childcare options as well as emotional and social support, which can potentially create more stress.

Kids nearing the end of high school will likely be focusing on what comes afterwards, such as university or college. If your kids are thinking about post-secondary education, interruptions to schooling could have an impact on their grades at an important time. Moving them away from peers and friends could also cause frustration, so it’s important to consider how this could impact not only school, but potentially their overall happiness.

Finally, you may want to look at what’s tying you to your current home. If you’ve been there for a long time and/or have school-age children, you may find that you have connections within the local community along with friends and family you’ll be leaving behind. How will you cope with this change? If your family is very settled and happy, consider how they may react to the possibility of moving.

Along with thinking about how your work-life will be impacted by a new job opportunity, you’ll also need to think about how a move could impact your time spent outside of work.

For example, moving to a more rural location may provide the option for more space and a lower cost of living than city dwelling. However, this may mean that it’s harder to meet new people, or that there’s less to do with your time off.

If you enjoy going out, you may want to look at the amenities, sporting venues, dining, and local entertainment options where you’re moving to see how this may impact your free time. Similarly, if you’re a homebody, moving to a big city and taking on a higher cost of living as a result may not feel like it’s worth the money.

There’s plenty of research that shows a clear link between our social circles and levels of happiness. We also know that social isolation and loneliness are both linked to negative health conditions. If you’re someone who thrives in social settings and enjoys spending time around friends and family, how are you likely to cope if you remove yourself from this social circle? How will things like time zones and your new work commitments impact your ability to stay in touch?

Along with looking at how to stay connected to your existing social circle, you’ll also want to think about how to meet new people if you move. Do you know anybody in the area? Do you have friends, family or colleagues that can help introduce to someone? Will you be moving as part of your team during the relocation? Can you volunteer or explore other opportunities to get involved with your new community?

Moving away from the people you care about can be challenging experience, but with plenty of options in terms of staying in touch, it’s possible to continue friendships and relationships from afar.

With that in mind, you may want to think about the local internet availability when considering your move; it might seem like a small thing, but this access will play an important part in helping you stay in touch with friends back home, and will also give you access to tools and apps that can help you meet new people locally.

One big thing to think about is how much this move is going to cost, and how it may impact you now as well as later down the road:

Even weighing up the pros and cons of a possible relocation can be stressful, let alone the move itself. It’s important to make sure you’re taking care of yourself while you think about your decision. If you decide to move, you should also consider how this may impact your health: 

Mental well-being

For some people, the prospect of moving somewhere totally new can be exciting.

Especially if you’re starting your career or perhaps if you don’t have any dependants, now may be an ideal time to move somewhere new and explore all it has to offer. Moving also has the tendency to be stressful, especially if it’s to somewhere you’ve never been or don’t know anyone. Consider putting a plan in place to manage anxiety or stress.

According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, around 2 to 3% of Canadians will experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), while another 15% will experience milder cases of seasonal depression. One way to take care of your mental well-being, especially during colder and darker months, is physical exercise.

Physical well-being

Studies have shown that stress can affect our physical health, impacting everything from our digestive and immune systems to our skin, muscles and joints. Staying active can help you manage feelings of stress or being overwhelmed that could occur because of so much change. Physical activities like yoga, hiking, biking or joining a walking group can not only be great ways to exercise, but also to meet new people.

Another thing to consider is the access to healthcare in the new location. If you have pre-existing conditions and/or a need for ongoing physical treatment, you may need to consider the availability of healthcare providers, as well as how accessible they are.

Certain workplace benefit plans will provide virtual healthcare, allowing you to speak to medical professionals online. This could be particularly useful if you’re moving somewhere more rural with perhaps limited access to health care, or if you’re moving to a city where local services are overwhelmed.

A back-up plan 

What happens if it doesn’t work out? It’s not a question you might want to consider, but there is the possibility that the move doesn’t go as planned. Perhaps your spouse or children don’t feel completely settled, maybe you’re struggling with the change of pace and lifestyle, or your finances are being negatively impacted. It may even be that the job itself isn’t the right fit.

If for any reason you don’t feel that the move was the right choice, what then? It’s important to discuss an ‘escape route’ or back-up plan in the event things don’t work out:

While it’s great to look at the positives and opportunities that a new job offer and new city can provide, it’s also important to be realistic and have discussions about how you’ll move forward if things don’t go to plan.

The information provided is accurate to the best of our knowledge as of the date of publication. This information is general in nature, and is intended for educational purposes only.

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